Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

Undoubtedly, jobs and the economy are the most important issues during this campaign. Unemployment in some parts of Southern Virginia is almost 20 percent. As your Delegate, jobs will be my number one priority. I have a specific, five-point plan to put Southern Virginia working.

First, we must keep taxes low. Tax increases kill jobs and discourages investment.

Second, I will continue to work with Governor McDonnell to attract new jobs and encourage opportunities. Over the last two years, we have invested over $100 million in economic development. We must continue to make that investment in the future.

Third, we must reduce and eliminate unnecessary regulations. Unnecessary regulation burdens businesses and means job creators aren't focused on growing their companies.

Fourth, we must invest in education and transportation. Our education system must produce students that can compete in the global economy. Our transportation system must encourage growth and economic movement.

Finally, we must develop Virginia's energy resources. The high cost of energy hurts businesses and families. The cost of electricity, gasoline, heating oil, diesel fuel and other energy must be reduced -- but it must be reduced by developing our own energy resources. We should continue to explore for energy resources, focus on developing the resources we have and develop alternative energy.

All of these issues deserve significant attention, but at the moment these issues are framed in relation to creating jobs and moving our economy forward.
